Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Kennedy and The Bishop

What does Patrick Kennedy have in common with Communion? Nothing, these days, apparently. Providence Bishop Thomas Tobin has, since 2007, refused communion to Kennedy due to Kennedy's support of abortion. Kennedy released this information recently when he told the press that the Bishop had refused him communion because of the "positions I've taken as a public official." Oh come on Pat, is that the best you can come up with?

Sure, you're annoyed because, what? Because the US Conference of Catholic Bishops lobbied for tight restrictions on the federal funding of abortions. Well, duh, they're Catholic; did you think they were pro-abortion? Surely not.

So Kennedy opposes the provision but then votes for the bill with the provision, and then releases the information that the Bishop slapped his hand because he's supporting abortion. Well, uh, the position of the Catholic Church is anti-abortion. Maybe he didn't know that.

So, the final, the real, sticky wicket here is separation of church and state; or is it? Special interest groups have the right to lobby against bills that they oppose, right? Did I miss something?

Okay, so the Bishop stood his ground and the Kennedy ends up looking, well, stupid. Sorry, think it through next time Pat.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Beyond Dromore

If you go on
past Dromore
and on
you'll find
or so

Cork and Cobh -- Leaving Ireland

Images of Ireland

Murals of Belfast

Belfast in the Rain

Neither my eyes

nor lens

can encompass

the gravity

that encompasses

such birth to grave to rebirth

the sky weeps

tears disfigure
and transform

too much


I will try

October in Vermont 2007

October in Vermont 2007