Thursday, March 16, 2006

BotD -- March 14-15-16

March 16th
Who is packing your parachute? I got this forwarded e-mail, usually junk mail I delete, but for some reason I stopped and read the first few lines. They caught my interest, hence this blog. Charles Plumb, Navy pilot, shot down over Vietnam, POW for 6 years, sitting in a restaurant with his wife, up comes a man states that he knows him, he packed his parachute ... saved his life.

Okay, so what's the point? The lines that follow caught my interest, "Now, Plumb asks his audience, "Who's packing your parachute?" Everyone has someone who provides what they need to make it through the day."

Yes, that's true. Those unappreciated, unidentified, someones who provide what we need to make it through the day. Whoever packed your lunch, gave you Tylenol for a headache, let you in traffic, cleaned the bathroom, washed your clothes, watched your kids, gave you a hug when you felt sad. Even more basic, those someones who milked the cows, cleaned the grocery store, picked the strawberries, climbed the telephone pole and restored your service, all of those someones.

So, the next time someone annoys you, remember, that person may have packed your parachute today. Say thanks instead.


have done
and extraordinary things
for me

thank you

March 15th
in las vegas
warming up
plum trees with blossoms
rose bushes
purple faces peep through
the thorns
as snowflakes

March 14th
I want
turkey legs
I growl

small legs pump
rugs out of the way
arms thrown into
the air
screams punctuate the
as I growling
tickle feet
legs and faces

when you're three
everything tickles.

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October in Vermont 2007

October in Vermont 2007