Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Blog Oughts

"Codes of ethics freeze the oughts in time and space." P.M. Cunningham. p281. "The Profession and Practice of Adulte Education.

I hate to take up space with citations, but I really like this quote and in case you want to find it, well, here it is. I'm taking Adult Education classes at UNLV and found this as I was drowsing over the last chapter in this book. It's not that it's not interesting, it's just been a long semester and, well, this is the end of it.

But, I really like the line, "freeze the oughts in time and space." Because lots of things seem to do that. The 'oughts' become stagnated, frozen in time, unchanging, when they should be fluid, mutatable, enriching, So the 'oughts' that should mutate depending on the situation and the people involved to paint a gloss of humanity and compassion, to soften the lines of 'should' that can become 'could' into hardened and unpenetrable, unchangable and heartless forces that bend one to another's will instead of lovingly and compassionately moulding two 'oughts' into one 'is'.

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October in Vermont 2007

October in Vermont 2007