Sunday, November 25, 2007


I raised my children
they have children
and some of their children
have children

I worked outside the home
inside the home
around the home
and sometimes
under the home

I bought hundred dollar
and forty dollar acrylic nails
I used my car as collateral
for root canals
collected pennies
for Disneyland
and did San Francisco
for less
much less than
forty dollars a day

I baked cupcakes at
looked for index cards
after dark
sewed costumes
with less time than talent
and no talent

and today I
scrounged pennis for Taco Bell
searched for the witch's hat
found pink index card's
for school Monday
turned down my music
cleaned the kitchen
fixed the trampoline
and bought fluffernutter innards
because a family
isn't a when
it's a

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October in Vermont 2007

October in Vermont 2007