Sunday, July 14, 2019

Playing Catch up

I've had this blog since 2005 and it's been my favorite place to set my thoughts in prose and poetry.  It's been an ideal way (for me) to solidify what's going on in my life and identify it; but not niche it.  I don't like niches.  Dust ridden dead spots that hold ideas that have outlived their usefulness.  Not always accurate either, they seem anachronistic, unusable and ignoble too, somehow.

At any rate, it's 2019 and it's not even January or close to the first part of the year.  July, it says and utter silence since the previous January.  I've decided that if I'm going to write again I will return to the space that first enticed the words in my heart to jump onto the page and cavort, to dance and sing, to moan and writhe, to live.  So here I am and here they are.  They've been patient you know.  They've waited past family drama, cruises to far away lands, explorations of exotic places, then, more recently through tumultuous changes and challenges in home and heart and culminating in a tap on the shoulder reminded me of my own humanity.

It wasn't all fun and games but still it was exciting and new and frightening and somehow invigorating, and still, here I am.  I did finish my first book, yet published, and have pulled my screenplay out of dry dock, hoisted it onto a deck to check for barnacles and will soon turn it over to my editor who, with loving, devout and deviously sympathetic hands render it suitable to send out into the world of paper prose.

And yet, here I am, not searching for nouns, verb, adverbs and the like to pepper my play but instead decided to begin my continuing saga as a writer by giving my muse-driven fingers free reign.

It's good to be back.

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October in Vermont 2007

October in Vermont 2007