Saturday, February 09, 2008

why won't you read my blog
it sits upon a log
in forest deep
it never sleeps
it's waiting for

why won't you visit here
sit for minutes in a year
you'll capture then
my web of fin
you'll never know
the time will slow
you'll pause and turn
a million fern
my words will
draw you in

where are you blogging readers
who blog there near and far
and never rest
but never test
my blogging mind's torpor

my blogging's here for me
it fills my eternity
but for you too
oh if but you knew
you'd linger here
a moment's year
but all in vain
life's just a game
my blog will fade
into the haze
until my weary
fingers pause
and turn into
a thousand clause
no waking prince
can claim

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October in Vermont 2007

October in Vermont 2007